The Best Date to Say "I Do"

Over the years, many readers have thanked me for my free online wedding date tutorial. But some have said the process still felt a little beyond their grasp. The Wedding Date Workshop updates and expands on my simple-to-follow process for choosing the best possible date for your wedding. If you know some astrology but could still use a little guidance in choosing your own wedding date, this workshop is designed to take you through the process step-by-step. With a workbook, worksheets, checklists, tables, and videos to guide you, your best wedding date is just a few clicks away!

  • A 28-page workbook with step-by-step instructions

  • Videos that illustrate some of my best-kept secrets!

  • Tips, checklists, and sample worksheet

  • Helpful tables of Mercury and Venus retrograde dates, good Venus signs and aspects

  • No PayPal account required! Use the Pay with PayPal button but select the "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" link!

Course curriculum

    1. Getting the Most from this Workshop

    2. Your Wedding Date Workbook

    1. Video: Make Venus Happy!

    2. Venus - notes

    1. Video: A Good Sun/Moon Aspect

    2. Sun/Moon notes

    1. The Moon's Last Aspect and Void-of-Course periods

    2. Moon notes

    1. Choosing the Time for Your Ceremony

    2. Timing Notes

About this course

  • $21.95
  • 10 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content